We want to say thank you to everyone that has helped and supported us both prayerfully and financially as we are endeavoring to fulfill the calling God has placed on our lives. We would not be able to continue without your help.
First of all we would like to thank our pastor Bro. Danny Taylor and Bible Holiness Assembly of God. They have supported and encouraged us from the beginning, as we stepped out to fulfill God’s call on our lives.
We are grateful to our Board of Directors, Bro. Jeremy Brooks, Bro. Michael Johnson, and Bro. Dudley Zerbel for their support and guidance in this ministry.
Thank you to our secretary Sis. Sherri Zerbel, for all that she does for us; taking care of all of our mail and our banking. Her help and encouragement is such a blessing to us! We pray the Lord blesses her for the time she spends and effort she makes on our behalf.
Thank you to Ken Johnson, Reitha’s dad. He has been such a blessing to us not only financially but in other ways as well. He brought an axle for our trailer to us in Kentucky and helped us install it. He has also helped us repair our truck and trailer at different times. While we have been on the road and out of the country he has helped us with taking care of our personal business.
Thank you to Chick Publications for their generous donations of tracts to this ministry through their missionary tract program.
Also thank you to Brother Scott Aselin for hosting this blog and helping us to set it up.
We are grateful for all the people that have befriended us along the way. May the Lord richly repay them for their kindness to us!
Thank you to the hundreds of pastors and churches across the country who have opened their doors to us and supported this ministry.
We also want to give a special thank you to the following churches and individuals that have blessed us and supported us in a special way.
Alene Lewis
Bethel Holiness Church, Labelle, FL
Bible Holiness Church Elkton, VA
Bobby & Linda Roadcap
Calvary Pentecostal Church Villa Ridge, MO
Chicotah Assembly of God Chicotah, TX
Clayton & Panzy Massy
Collinsville First Assembly, Collinsville OK
Dave & Danee Goodell
Dave & Sue Lamb
David & Carlene White
Eastside Trinity Pentecostal Tabernacle, Indianapolis, IN
First Pentecostal Church Karnak, IL
Grace Community Church Arroyo Hondo, NM
Haven of Hope Tabernacle Martinsburg, WV
Harbor Light Holiness Church Wilson, NC
Harvest Time Pentecostal Church Arlington, TX
Hodgenville Pentecostal Church Hodgenville, KY
James & Melissa Persinger
Janet Carlisle
Joe & Judith Barraclough
London First Pentecostal Church London,KY
Mt. Vernon Holiness Church Oklahoma City, OK
New Life Holiness Church Black Creek, NC
Oolitic Pentecostal Church, Oolitic IN
Pentecostal Church of God Columbus, OH
Pentecostal Tabernacle Richmond, IN
Refuge Pentecostal Church, Somerset KY
Saratoga Holiness Church Saratoga, NC
Sebree Holiness Mission Sebree, KY
Shadeville Church of God Columbus, OH
Southside Holiness Church Paducah, KY
Stacy & Vicky Floyd
Sue McCreary
Sue McDaniel
Tabernacle Holiness Church Vanceboro NC
Toby & Tanya Pritchett
Trinity Holiness Tabernacle Goshen, IN
Vernal & Jean French
Vernon & Rita Rodden
Wauseon Full Gospel Fellowship Wauseon, OH